Friday, September 14, 2012

The Basics of Business Health Insurance

Business health insurance is taken out to give private organisations' employees medical care when they most need it. You will gain private treatment by qualified doctors, ensuring that your employees are back and fit for work as soon as possible. Insurers will typically offer a range of over 250 hospitals spread across the nation, so there will always be a centre that you can get an employee to in a situation that requires it.

Health insurance is one of the benefits that is most sought-after by employees, meaning that your business will stand out amongst the crowd as championing the health of their employees. In the 21st century, healthiness is extremely valued by everyone, and having private insurance has been linked to helping to increase the productivity of workers.

Although still relatively underutilised in the UK, health insurance has been around for a significant number of years. The growth in businesses that purchase private insurance has led to an increase in optional additions to policies, such as having a private health advice phone number and even cancer support and gym membership.

The cover that you get as standard, will change depending on which insurer you go with, and the price that you pay for the insurance. You can expect in-patient and out-patient care as standard, where the company will pay for accommodation and medical fees, as well as diagnosis tests and x-rays. You may find that policies on the lower end of the spectrum limit the amount they will pay for out-patient care, but higher-end policies will usually pay in full.

Support for employees that have been diagnosed with cancer will be an attractive benefit of some insurers, as it is the time in an employee's life that they are most vulnerable. Most insurers have specialist teams that deal with cancer patients, but you will need to check whether cancer care is included in your policy. You may also wish to see if there are other benefits, such as long-term psychiatric care.

Premiums work in the same way with business health insurance as they do in other types of insurance. An excess will keep the cost of the insurance low, but the individual will be required to pay an excess for every claim that they make; excesses can be very high and even unaffordable for some employees (up to £500), so you should make sure that you know how large the excess is.

The reason for most companies purchasing private health cover is to make sure that their employees are back to work as fast as possible. The way that most insurers work is to compare the time that they can treat the patient in compared to the NHS - if the NHS waiting list for treatment is longer than a six week period, private cover will be paid for instead.

In the UK, health insurance works in conjunction with the NHS. GP services and emergencies are typically not covered by insurers, so employees should not expect to never use the NHS again.

Create Healthy Soil to Grow a Thriving Holistic Health Business

How does your business garden grow? Have you haphazardly scattered a few seeds among the rocks and weeds? Do you neglect it for months and then wonder why it isn't producing food and flowers?

Picture your holistic health care practice as a plot of ground where you want to grow a flourishing garden. Have you been expecting it to thrive when you haven't prepared an environment that fosters growth?

Success starts with creating a healthy mindset for the foundation in which to plant the seeds of marketing, to grow a flourishing healthcare practice. Working on mindset, we find and remove the "rocks, weeds and bugs" that compromise growth and success. Then, just as with consistent garden maintenance - weeding and watering - continue with mindset work as a recurring activity throughout your career. As motivational author Stephen Covey says: "You have to water the flowers if you want them to grow."

Dedicate specific time in your schedule to work on your money mindset. Focus on affirmations, appreciations, goals, challenges, solutions and successes. Positive beliefs create healthy "soil" in which to plant and grow a variety of marketing strategies that help you achieve business success - a bumper crop of great clients and blooming income!

Now I can hear you saying, "Hey, wait a minute - I thought this was a marketing article. What's up with all this woo-woo gardening stuff?" Yes, it is a marketing article. And yes, marketing is crucial to the success of your practice. But without a solid foundation of healthy beliefs about business, money, success and self-worth, success can be elusive. So... mindset comes before skillset!

Mindset consists of the attitudes and beliefs that we have accumulated and developed over our lifetime. The right mindset isn't only about positive thinking or writing affirmations. These valuable concepts have been around for centuries and recently revived. They are now so prominent in popular culture that you probably already know about them from media such as the film, "The Secret," writers such as Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, and philosophies such as The Teachings of Abraham.

But mindset is about much more than that. It's about getting out of your own way so that you don't sabotage your success. It's about facing and overcoming deeply ingrained doubts and fears that impede forward momentum in business. It is less about busting through obstacles and more about making shifts in what you believe to be true about yourself, so you can take empowered action to create success and abundance in your life.

Mindset also includes the passion that you have for your work, your enthusiasm for helping others and your pride in being of service in the world. Overcoming self-doubt, breaking through your limiting beliefs, and learning new habits of self-talk will help you create and maintain the confidence you need to take action toward achieving your goals. Your mindset will determine the basis for your long-term success as a health service professional.

Mindset is the controlling factor in all of our business and personal interactions. We have all had both positive and negative experiences in our lives that have influenced our mindset. Some of these beliefs are valid and serve us in a positive way. Others may have been appropriate at one time, for a particular situation, but we continue to hold on to them and base our actions on them out of habit, even if they are no longer relevant in our present situation. And some beliefs were, and continue to be, useless attitudes that never have and never will serve our needs for personal growth or business success, and in fact hold us back from achieving our fullest potential as holistic health practitioners.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Young and Adult Fitness Protects Your Health in Middle Age

If you take good care of your body in return it will take care for you too. All your efforts will be well rewarded now and for years to come. And the sooner you start taking care of your body the better health you will have.

Clinical studies have shown that regular cardiovascular exercises performed in the early adulthood plays a critical role in decreasing the risk of developing many heart diseases in the future. Maintaining good fitness levels now will decrease the possibility to develop high blood pressure and diabetes in the near future. These are conditions which can lead to heart attacks in the old age.

If we perform often exercises our heart muscles grow thicker and our heart is able to pump more blood. Our metabolism and energy levels are improved. So fitness is beneficial if we want to maintain a reasonable health.

The importance of fitness does not have to be underestimated even if you are young and healthy. If you feel good and comfortable in your body, it doesn't meat you don't need to exercise. In fact if you take the effort to do it you will feel even better now and will not have to deal with sedentary-life problems later. Also you will need a proper nutrition and maintain good eating habits, because eating tasty foods may be great but after some years it may turn to be a serious health problem.

Many young people think that middle age is so far away, but you will be surprised how fast time flies. With regular everyday exercise you can still be healthy and after all it doesn't matter how old are you, it only matters how well are you feeling.